
making headway. finally feel like im in control of myself, still more to be done, but, things are a lot better than a month or two ago.

i've been working to be more disciplined with my body and with what i eat and i think it's paying off. by the end of this year i will be back where i want to be which brings me immense joy. i do not think of myself as a negative person but at times i can be quite pessimistic and my health is something that, once i feel i "fall off the wagon", drives me up a wall. i've had a few job interviews which went well, waiting to hear back. money hasnt been too tight which is nice.

fun story: at the end of last month i found a dog wandering outside an abandoned building near where i live. tldr: we dont keep him, but, i do think its a nice story. i had a friend and some people he was traveling staying at my apartment for a concert they were headed to, they were and currently still are following a band on tour. they were up for a day and a half. the morning of their departure while packing up their subaru one of them noticed a small dog with a leash and lead on him staring at us. we all approached the chainlink fence and the puppy greeted us. he was fairly young from the looks of him and quite friendly. he kept running around, looking for a way out.

i first thought that he was a homeless persons dog due to that area being a place where my partner and i frequently see homeless people resting in. the group had to go so after heading off i went to bring him some water and a little food, but when i got down he was gone. a lady walking her dog had taken him and was walking down the block. wether warranted or not, i chased after and said that i think that it was a homeless persons pet, and was given his lead. i reopened the chainlink gate and entered and began to call out and search for anyone resting in the facility. after about 30 minutes of searching the puppy and i left. i was stumped.

i ended up walking him to my partners job trying to ask her what to do. i didnt think we could keep him. once i arrived to her job herself and coworkers all freaked out. he was a cute fella and loved all the attention he was getting. we spoke and decided to figure out what to do once she gets off work. one of her coworkers mentioned to 'let her know if we werent keeping him.' they also kept saying essentially that the world 'gifted him' to us. i felt that way too frankly, even though i knew we couldnt keep him, i do think the best things come from struggling. it wouldnt have been fun but i thought we could handle him.

once home, hospital (temp name) was freaking out. he had a load of energy to burn and wanted to look around and explore. i, on the other hand, was not too keen of that idea. i was running off of 3 hours of sleep and did not want him to really go on any furniture due to not knowing if he had fleas or anything like that. once my partner got home the pissing a shitting began. we were amazed by how much a little thing like him could pee. it wasnt just one. like 4 times!!! the scent left by his shit... oof. not good. we spent most of our afternoon cleaning up shit and piss. we waited a bit and then took him for a long walk in an effort to tire him out and for him to use the bathroom some more. after an hour of walking him, one of the two goals were achieved. he was knocked out, laying under the dining room table and falling asleep. that is after taking another huge piss on our shoe rack. an hour walk and not peeing at all... man.

we spoke some more on what to do with him and agreed we could not keep him. it just wasnt and still isnt the right time for us to get a pet. we later took him to the local animal shelter to see if he had a chip, which he did not. the shelter employees were really keen on us keeping him too. in general, everybody that saw him kept saying the same, to keep him. one thing we didnt expect is the attention a puppy brings from passerbys. i dont think either of us had ever spoken to so many people just randomly in the city. it was nice. we returned home again, stumped. my partner was willing to try for us keeping him but we spoke further and agreed its just not the right fit for us right now. we ended up getting in touch w/ the coworker she had who asked about him and she agreed to take him. we walked and brought the puppy to her, fourtuantley we'll be able to see him again, and see him grow. im not going to lie on the way home we were both sad, dogs are the one animal im still like a toddler for, i loveee dogs and miss having one quite a bit. again thought despite my desire for one it was for the best not for us to get one at this moment, and when the times right we'll get a pet.

here are some pics


where we found him

post shitting and pissing nap

sleep after shitting and pissing

media consumed:

i finished almond by Sohn Won-pyung, i really enjoyed it. wish it was longer, i do feel as if it could have used a bit more breathing room to further flush out the charachters relationships, but they were believeable enough. i also read daring greatly by bene brown. it was ok. some good nuggets from it.

a bit of movies- mirai, lisa frankenstein, black swan, the daytrippers, porco rosso, and peep "tv" show.

i loved black swan, the daytrippers and peep "tv" show. really cool to me that someone bought the domain from peep tv show and made it an actual site. you can view it at peeptvshow.net

game wise partner and i have been playing emio: the smiling man. really like it so far. i've been replaying xenoblade and mother zero which is always a good time.

till next time