
i have been bad about updating this..............

since last writing i have met a bunch of cool people and am generally feeling as if i'm in a ok place. there r good days and bad days but life goes on. i love my wife.

some things that have went on: had family visit and visted some family.... almost got a dog..... got off iphone, bought one of those punkt phones and am gonna try to be a bit more disconnected. my partner and i are starting one of those 75 hard challanges today so im using this as a chance to get myself back in check if anything. been binging quite a bit but broke that pattern today which im quite happy about.

in "i'm a fucking idiot" news i got a $500 ticket for not sending in proof of insurance after having a day lapse in may. tried to be like erm didnt get the notice in the mail but they did not buy that shit. 500 for the ticket and then 112 to restore tag...... best part is they charged twice so i have to wait to get it back. i think its funny did it to myself lol

here are some pics

ny weird babybell cheese

fucked up babybell cheese whoms shell has disolved leaving expiration date on the actual cheese

virtual boy is fudged

virtual boy is fudged up the ol' glue soldering has come off me thinks

horse horse 2

horses from a trip to rural pa i reallly dont like horses but theyre chill

from a sony a7iv w one of those shitty 3d printer dispo lenses on it. love the way it makes things look. need to get an actual film cam again. one of my goals for prob the next year or so is get one again and put together my own dark room. idk where tho

media consumed:

still reading these but books- almond by Sohn Won-pyung, Ajin by Gamon Sakurai

movies- carrie 2013, carrie 1976, mike de leon itim, spongebob movie....... carrie 2 (this was suprisingly good would very much reccomend), maxxxine (dogshit), trap m night (really fun), longlegs (snoooze), am i ok? (didnt expect to like this one but really enjoyed. cute movie), killing of a sacred deer, and lastly Rap World by Conner O' Malley at the NY premiere.

I love Conner O'Malley's videos. never had my sense of humor align with that of a creator in the same way as him. Rap World ruled. it has to be one of the best movies ive seen this year. like the entire time the crowd was laughing.. granted if you are at that premiere you prob already enjoy his shit but wow. during the qa they spoke about how difficult it would be to release from music licensing and how thats their biggest hurdle in putting it out and maaan it would be such a shame if this didnt see a wide release. it probably will end up on youtube or something eventually but i do hope they manage to get it screened in more places.

havent really been playing any video games. played a bit of alpha minecraft and had fun. only thing i been gaming on r them sudoku boards shit like crack 2 me.

before i finish this just wanted to add when checking the site i saw TAPE_W0RM mention that the creepypasta wiki removed the og author of the alf autopsy pasta. i already got a vid of some dude reading alf autopsy but i think im also gonna throw a text version of the story up to... just incase. i'd much rather someone stumbles onto this site looking for the creepypasta and reads it than give fandom any money lol

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